„Dziedzictwo krajobrazowe i zrównoważona turystyka w okresie post-covidowym na Islandii” – warsztaty w ramach programu ESPON
Islandia w ramach ESPON organizuje warsztat on-line poświęcony dziedzictwu kulturowemu oraz rozwojowi turystyki po pandemii COVID-19. Warsztat odbędzie się w czwartek 25 lutego br.
Wstępna agenda spotkania:
ESPON Pear Learning Workshop
Landscape heritage and sustainable tourism in the post-CoVID period
Virtual (MSTeams), 25th of february 2020
13:15 |
Welcome word by an ESPON EGTC representative (tbc) |
13:30 |
Part one: ESPON evidence and policy recommendations (20 min each) Revealing territorial potentials and shaping new policies in specific types of territories in Europe, ESPON Working paper 2017, ESPON EGTC (tbc) How can the territorial specificities of an island be used to ensure sustainable tourism?, Lise Smed Olsen, researcher of the BRIDGES ESPON project (tbc) Q&A |
14:30 |
Short Break |
14:45 |
Part two: Potential for Iceland tourism development in post-covid period (20min each) Roadmap for Tourism in Iceland. Future Prospects by Elías B J Gíslason, head of quality and development at Icelandic Tourist Board A national park in the central highlands of Iceland by Óli Halldórsson Director of Husavik Academic Center Q&A |
15:45 |
Short Break |
16:00 |
Reflections of two local stakeholders Arnheiður Jóhannsdóttir director of Visit North Iceland To be defined Discussion about future policy needs and possible policy pathways Moderated by Grétar Eythórsson |
17:00 |
Conclusions by prof. Luuk Boelens (tbc) |
W razie chęci udziału w warsztacie proszę o przesłanie zgłoszenia do czwartku 11 lutego br. na 2 adresy mailowe: espon@mfipr.gov.pl oraz bartosz.baranski@mfipr.gov.pl.