No | Data podpisania | Partner region | Resolution of the Region Assembly |
1. | 13.10.1999 r. | Region Veneto – Włochy | Resolution No. 213/99 Of The Kujawsko-Pomorskie Region Parliament |
2. | 15.11.1999 r. | Region Marche – Włochy | Resolution No. 215/99 Of The Kujawsko-Pomorskie Region Parliament |
3. | 16.02.2000 r. | Rejon Kiejdański – Litwa | Resolution No. 212/99 Of The Kujawsko-Pomorskie Region Parliament |
4. | 23.10.2000 r. | Hrabstwo Jögeva- Estonia | Resolution No. 420/00 Of The Kujawsko-Pomorskie Region Parliament |
5. | 25.03.2002 r. | Region Południowe Pireneje – Francja | Resolution No. 776/02 Of The Kujawsko-Pomorskie Region Parliament |
6. | 24.09.2004 r. | Obwód Chmielnicki – Ukraina | Resolution No. VII/59/03 Of The Kujawsko-Pomorskie Region Parliament |
7. | 01.05.2004 r. | Obwód Żytomierski – Ukraina | Resolution No. III/33/02 Of The Kujawsko-Pomorskie Region Parliament |
8. | 27.04.2005 r. | Land Styrii – Austria | Resolution No. XXX/378/05 Of The Kujawsko-Pomorskie Region Parliament |
9. | 29.03.2007 r. | Obwód Zachodniokazachstański – Kazachstan | Resolution No. VI/78/07 Of The Kujawsko-Pomorskie Region Parliament |
10. | 18.06.2008 r. | Region Navarra – Hiszpania | Resolution No. VII/100/07 Of The Kujawsko-Pomorskie Region Parliament |
11. | 10.11.2010 r. | Województwo Trnavskie – Słowacja | Resolution No. XXXII/738/09 Of The Kujawsko-Pomorskie Region Parliament |
12. | 07.06.2011 r. | Prowincja Hubei – Chiny | Resolution No. XLVI/1215/10 Of The Kujawsko-Pomorskie Region Parliament |
13. | 18.05.2018 r. | Żupania Medzimurska – Chorwacja | Resolution No. XLIII/730/18 Of The Kujawsko-Pomorskie Region Parliament |
14. | 28.08.2023 r. | Region Fife (Szkocja) – Zjednoczone Królestwo Wielkiej Brytanii i Irlandii Północnej | Resolution No. LIX/791/23 Of The Kujawsko-Pomorskie Region Parliament |
- Register of Signed Letters of Intent
No. | Date of Signing | Party of the Interest | Annotation |
1. | 29.09.1999 r. | Östergötland, Sörmland, Värmland – Sweden | |
2. | 17.09.2000 r. | Kozani Region – Greece | |
3. | 12.11.2014 r. | Imeretia – Georgia | |
4. | 16.04.2019 r. | West Small Sundanese Islands (Nusa Tenggara Barat) – Indonesia |
Scope of Cooperation
- Exchange of information and experiences in the field of environmental protection;
- Promotion of institutional relations in the field of culture to encourage the exchange of experiences and knowledge between both communities;
- Support for the development of contacts between schools, universities, and research and development centers, with their consent;
- Exchange of information and experiences in the fields of tourism and sports;
- Exchange of information and experiences in the field of agriculture and agri-food production;
- Exchange of information and experiences in various areas of socio-economic life, with a particular focus on supporting contacts between representatives and organizations of enterprises designated by the cooperating parties;
- Promotion of relations development between institutions, organizations, and associations.
This scope highlights a broad cooperation across multiple sectors, aimed at strengthening ties and knowledge sharing between regions or entities.