Village leaders have the power!
With Marshal Piotr Całbecki and the President of the Regional Parliament, Elżbieta Piniewska, the Kujawsko-Pomorskie voivodship’s Council of Leaders, a new advisory body established in December, is meeting today (11 March) in Toruń with the mission of supporting the voivodship’s marshal on development policy relating to rural areas. Village leaders across the country are celebrating their holiday today – Village Leaders’ Day.
A meeting of rural leaders from across the region will take place in the representative interiors of the Dąmbski Palace. The chairperson of the Council of Leaders and mayor from Mniszek in the Świecko district, Dorota Dembińska, and the vice-chairperson of the council and mayor from Brzeźno in the Lipno district, Stanisław Jagielski, will speak about their role in the system of local democracy and in the creation of local activity during the meeting. Also on the agenda were speeches on village hall good practices and a first approach to assessing the challenges and formulating the demands of the community.
– It is extremely important that village leaders are involved in the implementation of development policy at the local level, in the construction of local development strategies and in programmes implemented by local action groups. The Regional Council of Leaders, meeting today at its first substantive meeting, represents the interests of all the voivodeship’s leaders,’ stresses Marshal Piotr Całbecki.
On the occasion of the Day of the Village Leader, a ceremonial concert was held yesterday at the CKK Jordanki, hosted by Marshal Piotr Całbecki. The Toruń Chamber Orchestra conducted by Miłosz Korpol and soloists performed. The programme included hits of film music.
Our Council of Leaders – a 120-member body established by a resolution of the regional government and composed on the basis of recommendations from commune heads – is an advisory body to the regional governor on matters relating to rural development, including the Marshal’s civic budget under the community-led local development mechanism (RLKS) and important projects implemented by local action groups (LAGs). We are keen to ensure that it is the village leaders, who are most familiar with the problems and needs of local communities, who have a significant influence on the management of the money allocated for this purpose.
Beata Krzemińska
Spokesperson of the Marshal’s Office
11 March 2025
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