
Awarding the Unitas Durat medal to Marianna Krzemińska, photo: Szymon Zdziebło/ for UMWKP
Wręczenie medalu Unitas Durat Mariannie Krzemińskiej, fot. Szymon Zdziebło/ dla UMWKP

The power of inspiring stories

Marianna Krzemińska from Gorzeszyn (Lipno County) and Regina Buko from Bydgoszcz – remarkable women from our region – are celebrating a special anniversary. Full of life’s wisdom and memories, they witnessed the turbulent events of the 20th century and today willingly share their experience. Celebrating their 100th birthdays, they joined the elite group of those honoured with the Marshal’s Unitas Durat Palatinatus Cuiaviano-Pomeraniensis medal.


Marianna Krzemińska, born on 25 February 1925 (although she claims to have been born on 4 December 1923 and 25 February 1925 is the date of her baptism), spent her childhood and youth in Koziróg Leśny (Lipno County). During the Second World War, she and her family were resettled in Podole. There, as a young girl, she worked in a German manor house where, despite the harsh conditions, she was fortunate to experience the humane approach of the occupiers, who warned her family of the dangers ahead.


In 1946, Marianna married Zygmunt Krzemiński and settled in Gorzeszyn. Throughout her life she ran a farm, which became her passion. She has a special affection for animals, which she still manages with great dedication. Marianna and Sigmund had six children.


She has always been very active. Her grandson Jacob reveals that the secret to his grandmother’s longevity is constant energy – ‘you have to do!’ – adds the doyenne. Marianne has thirteen grandchildren, twenty-five great-grandchildren and one great-great-grandchild.


– The Vice-Marshal of the voivodship, Aneta Jędrzejewska, wished her many happy and healthy years, full of peace and family warmth, as well as the opportunity to share her wisdom with future generations’, said when she was presented with the Unitas Durat medal.


Regina Buko was born on 3 March 1925, in the village of Zborowiec near Piotrków Kujawski, into a large family of Andrzej and Eleonora Palicki. From an early age, she had to face difficult challenges. The outbreak of World War II and the incursion of German troops dramatically changed the fate of the Palicki family, who lost their farm and were sent to forced labour.


Regina, as a teenager, survived the occupation by working in a nearby school. After the war, they recovered their farm and continued farming. In search of better prospects, Regina moved to Bydgoszcz, where she found employment at the Bydgoszcz Tool Factory. There she met her future husband, Jan Buko, with whom she married in 1952. Their marriage lasted 68 years, until Jan’s death in 2020.


Regina and Jan had three sons. Her life always revolved around her family, and in her spare time she indulged in her passions – crocheting and tending plants. The garden was her second love, always full of flowers and vegetables, and she tended it until she was 97. On the occasion of her 100th birthday, the regional Vice-Marshal Zbigniew Ostrowski visited her.


The regional government has been honouring centenarians in the region since 2018, with more than four hundred and forty people having received the Unitas Durat medal to date. Families of the region’s residents who are about to turn one hundred years old, as well as those who are older, are encouraged to contact us at 56 62 18 344 and at the following email address:


Beata Krzemińska

Spokesperson of the Marshal’s Office

5 March 2025