The 17th edition of the competition “They made our history”
Students in grades VII and VIII of elementary schools, as well as high schools, technical schools and trade schools of our province are invited to participate in the competition “They made our history”. We are waiting for written works dealing with topics related to recent history until March 3.
– Participation in the contest is an excellent opportunity to develop historical knowledge of our region and to write down local history based on the memories of witnesses, as well as photos and memorabilia preserved in family and public archives,” encourages Marshal Piotr Całbecki.
We are waiting for individually prepared, previously unpublished written works, under the supervision of a teacher, devoted to one of the following topics:
- About people
- About events
- Family album
- Faces of everyday life
- Participation and role of Kujawsko-Pomorskie voivodship residents in contemporary -events
- Aid to Jews provided by Poles during the German occupation during World War II
- My school and the teachers of my school.
Submitted works will be judged in two age categories: students of grades VII and VIII of elementary schools and students of high schools, technical schools and trade schools.
We have prepared attractive prizes for the winners of the competition in both categories: first place – a prize worth PLN 2,000, second place – PLN 1,600, third place – PLN 1,200. Prizes will also go to teachers, guardians of the authors of the winning works.
The works should be sent to the address:
Biblioteka Pedagogiczna im. gen. bryg. prof. Elżbiety Zawackiej,
ul. gen. Jana H. Dąbrowskiego 4
87 – 100 Toruń
with the annotation “They created our history”
or deliver personally in a closed envelope to the library secretariat (p. 22 – 2nd floor).
For more information, contact the Department of Education at 56 62 15 829.
The organizers of the contest are the Kujawsko-Pomorskie voivodship regional government, the Brig. Gen. Prof. Elżbieta Zawacka Pedagogical Library, the Board of Education in Bydgoszcz, the General Elżbieta Zawacka Foundation, the Home Army Pomeranian Archives and Museum and the Women’s Military Service in Toruń.
The patron of the competition is Elzbieta Zawacka, an outstanding andragogist, social activist, general of the Polish Army, during World War II a soldier of the Home Army, Warsaw insurgent, emissary of the Commander-in-Chief of the Union of Armed Struggle to the Supreme Commander’s Staff in London and the only woman among the “Silent Unseen” Unit, after the war a prisoner of Stalinism.
Department of Education
and Press Office of the Marshal’s Office
December 30, 2024.