Poetry Hidden in Sports
The Olympic discus throw champion, painter, and poet Halina Konopacka became the inspiration for the works of participants in the “Poetry Hidden in Sports” competition. Today (December 10), at the Copernicus Library, Vice-Marshal Zbigniew Ostrowski, President of the Regional Parliament Elżbieta Piniewska, and athlete Iga Baumgart-Witan congratulated the winners.
The competition was open to 7th and 8th-grade elementary school students as well as high school students from the Kujawsko-Pomorskie Region.
Results – Elementary Schools:
- 1st place: Antonina Bembnista, Primary School of Countess Aniela Potulicka in Wojnowo
- 2nd place: Weronika Głowacka, Primary School in Karnkowo
- 3rd place: Natasza Adamczyk, School Complex No. 2 in Brześć Kujawski
Honorable Mentions:
- Hubert Nowacki, Primary School No. 23 in Włocławek
- Melania Szczepaniak, Primary School of Countess Aniela Potulicka in Wojnowo
- Marta Zajączkowska, Primary School No. 5 of John Paul II in Lipno
Results – High Schools:
- 1st place: Weronika Poturalska, School Complex in Mogilno
- 2nd place: Zuzanna Lichnerowicz, Agricultural Education Center School Complex of the Dobrzyń Land in Nadroże
- 3rd place: Miłosz Łeszyk, Bolesław Krzywousty High School in Nakło nad Notecią
Honorable Mentions:
- Zuzanna Białkowska, Zygmunt Działowski High School in Wąbrzeźno
- Emilia Iwaniec, Management Technical School in Bydgoszcz
- Amelia Lewandowska, Maria Konopnicka High School No. 3 in Włocławek
Special Awards by the Youth Parliament of the Kujawsko-Pomorskie Region:
- Weronika Głowacka, Primary School in Karnkowo, for the poem “Small Reflections on the Connection Between Soul and Body” (Elementary School category)
- Michalina Gawłowska, Maria Konopnicka High School No. 3 in Włocławek, for the poem “Alchemy of Perseverance” (High School category)
The competition was organized by the Regional Self-Government and the Copernicus Library as part of the Year of Brave Women and the Year of Polish Olympians.
Regional Parliament Office and Press Office of the Marshal’s Office
December 12, 2024
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- Rozstrzygnięcie konkursu „Poezja ukryta w sporcie” fot. Szymon Zdziebło/tarantoga.pl dla UMWKP
- Rozstrzygnięcie konkursu „Poezja ukryta w sporcie” fot. Szymon Zdziebło/tarantoga.pl dla UMWKP
- Rozstrzygnięcie konkursu „Poezja ukryta w sporcie” fot. Szymon Zdziebło/tarantoga.pl dla UMWKP
- Rozstrzygnięcie konkursu „Poezja ukryta w sporcie” fot. Szymon Zdziebło/tarantoga.pl dla UMWKP