
Regional Psychiatric Hospital in Świecie, photo by Tomasz Czachorowski for UMWKP
Wojewódzki Szpital Zdrowia Psychicznego w Świeciu, fot. Tomasz Czachorowski dla UMWKP

New Name, New Quality, New Investments

The Regional Psychiatric Hospital in Świecie is the oldest and longest-operating facility of its kind in Poland. Soon, it will expand with a mental health center and a horticultural therapy center. This investment is one of the largest in the hospital’s 170-year history, with a total value exceeding 35 million PLN. Today (February 27), in the presence of Vice-Marshal Zbigniew Ostrowski, a contract was signed with the construction contractor.


The Regional Psychiatric Hospital in Świecie operates in a historic 19th-century complex under conservator protection, making the long-standing modernization efforts quite a challenge. However, we can say with satisfaction that while much remains to be done, the results of our work are already visible and appreciated by patients and staff. I am also pleased to announce further investment initiatives,” said Marshal Piotr Całbecki.


This new investment will implement the concept of modern community psychiatry. The foundation of the new facility will be unused or currently technical pavilions in the centre of the hospital complex. Following a comprehensive renovation, the new facilities will house a psychiatric day ward and a community care ward. The modern and functionally designed space will include outpatient clinics, medical offices, relaxation and therapy rooms, a dental office, and an entire wing dedicated to medical education. The project also includes the construction of an internal brine graduation tower. The contractor for this project is Husaria Development from Gdańsk, with a total investment value of 19 million PLN, over 16 million PLN of which comes from the European Funds for Kujawy and Pomorze 2021-2027.


As part of the same project, the administrative and archive building will be transformed into a facility dedicated to art therapy and horticultural therapy, a form of occupational therapy based on gardening. The hospital will gain over 250 square meters of usable space, including gardening workshops, a painting studio, a modern art studio, a winter garden, and a seasonal garden. The surrounding green areas, covering nearly one hectare, will also undergo revitalization. The contract for this part of the investment, valued at 16 million PLN (with more than 11 million PLN funded by the European Funds for Kujawy and Pomorze), was signed today (February 27). The project will be carried out by Prof-Bud from Świecie.


Among the planned future investments are the construction of a psychiatric care and treatment center (estimated at 23 million PLN), a sports hall with a gym (costing 17 million PLN), and training apartments (for 11 million PLN).


The hospital’s children’s ward has also recently undergone a major renovation. After modernization, it has become a child-friendly space, featuring relaxation, therapy, and music rooms, an educational area, modern equipment, and a warm interior design.


The Świecie hospital provides treatment for patients with mental disorders and addictions. The facility has 480 beds across 16 inpatient treatment wards. It also operates an addiction treatment clinic offering psychotherapy for addicts, co-dependent individuals, and their loved ones.


The hospital has undergone systematic and comprehensive modernization for many years. Every pavilion, kitchen, hospital network, administrative and technical buildings, as well as energy efficiency improvements, equipment, and furnishing purchases have been financed through regional programs from previous funding perspectives and the medical centennial package, a special modernization program for all regional hospitals led by the Marshal’s Office.


Regional Psychiatric Hospital in Świecie:

  • 480 beds
  • 16 wards
  • 520 employees
  • Mental health center – cost: 19 million PLN, with over 16 million PLN from EU funds
  • Horticultural therapy center – cost: nearly 16 million PLN, with over 11 million PLN from EU funds


Beata Krzemińska
Spokesperson of the Marshal’s Office


February 27, 2025