Investments in 2025: opera, philharmonic, Nawra
In the expanding Opera Nova complex, construction work on the so-called fourth circle is nearing completion. At the same time, the institution is announcing tenders for specialized equipment and plans to open the underground parking before the new artistic season begins. This year also marks the start of two other major cultural investments in our region – the expansion of the Pomeranian Philharmonic and a major project in Nawra, where a museum of landowning nobility will be established in a ruined palace complex.
– To participate in artistic events of the highest level, we must have facilities for cultural institutions that meet the required standards. Culture and its creators have always needed generous patrons, as it was in the past, so it is now. Our opera and philharmonic are excellent and worthy of every investment. The new and innovative museum of landowning nobility is, in fact, a pro-development investment because it will expand our regional tourism offering – emphasizes Marshal Piotr Całbecki.
Opera chamber hall and cinema
If everything goes as planned by investors and contractors, the topping-out ceremony for the new spaces at Opera Nova – let us remind you: four floors will house a chamber hall with 500 seats, an exhibition space, and a cinema hall for 200 viewers, with a planned viewing terrace facing the Brda River – will take place in the spring of this year. The construction teams are already preparing for the installation work inside the building, while tenders are being announced for stage mechanics, electroacoustic equipment, stage lighting technology, and the supply and installation of stands and seats.
This year’s costs amount to 90 million PLN, with the total project costing 170 million PLN.
Nawra like in the best of times
The conservation renovation and revitalization work at the palace and park complex in Nawra, near Toruń, where the Museum of Landowning Nobility of the Sczaniecki Family will be established, can be considered started. The contractor, Dolmar, has taken over the construction site and is currently conducting preparatory work, which should be completed in 24 months. Dolmar’s contract is worth 39 million PLN.
The classicist palace in Nawra, our local gem of classicist architecture, was built between 1798 and 1805 for Konstanty Kruszyński and later remodeled for the Sczaniecki family, who lived there until World War II. The restoration of the park and palace, which was officially handed over to the regional self-government by the Sczaniecki family in the summer of 2022, was entrusted by Marshal Piotr Całbecki to the Kujawsko-Pomorskie Heritage Centre, a regional self-government institution.
Philharmonic on a grand scale
The long-awaited, ambitiously designed expansion of the Pomeranian Philharmonic is currently the most important cultural investment project in our region. Despite many efforts, the government did not provide funds for this project, so we are implementing this ambitious plan with our own resources, though it is a significant financial effort for the regional self-government. This year, we are allocating 14 million PLN for this purpose, with a total of 300 million PLN for the project. The Pomeranian Philharmonic is an institution of such importance that it deserves every penny invested in it!
The expansion of the Pomeranian Philharmonic was approved by the regional self-government in 2017. Among the planned developments are a small concert hall with at least 350 seats and an underground parking system.
Beata Krzemińska
Spokesperson of the Marshal’s Office
January 22, 2025
- Rozbudowa Opery Nova, grudzień 2024, fot. Tomasz Czachorowski/eventphoto dla UMWKP
- Rozbudowa Opery Nova, grudzień 2024, fot. Tomasz Czachorowski/eventphoto dla UMWKP
- Rozbudowa Opery Nova, grudzień 2024, fot. Tomasz Czachorowski/eventphoto dla UMWKP
- Rozbudowa Opery Nova, styczeń 2025, fot. Paweł Wietrzykowski/ON
- Rozbudowa Opery Nova, styczeń 2025, fot. Paweł Wietrzykowski/ON
- Rozbudowa Opery Nova, styczeń 2025, fot. Paweł Wietrzykowski/ON
- Rozbudowa Opery Nova, fot. Tomasz Czachorowski/eventphoto dla UMWKP
- Wizyta marszałka Piotra Całbeckiego, wicemarszałka Zbigniewa Ostrowskiego i posłanki Iwony Kozłowskiej na placu budowy w kompleksie Opery Nova, fot. UMWKP
- Wizyta marszałka Piotra Całbeckiego, wicemarszałka Zbigniewa Ostrowskiego i posłanki Iwony Kozłowskiej na placu budowy w kompleksie Opery Nova, fot. UMWKP