Grandmothers‘ Day, Grandfathers’ Day
One in five residents of the region is 65 years of age or older, and seniors are increasingly proving that age is just a number – they work, act socially, develop passions and are keen to use modern technologies. Member of the Regional Executive Board Dariusz Kurzawa met today (23 January) with representatives of senior citizens’ circles at the Regional Centre for Cultural Animation in Toruń.
– You are the foundation of our society – you teach us patience, understanding and coping with difficulties. You give us so much,’ said Marshal Piotr Całbecki.
– We sincerely thank you for your commitment. We are grateful for your trust and cooperation with regional self-government, and for the invaluable role you play in your families,‘ said Dariusz Kurzawa, Member of the Regional Executive Board, to members of the Regional Council for Senior Citizens’ Policy at today’s meeting.
The programme of the meeting included a lecture by Halina Urbielewicz of the Municipal Social Welfare Centre in Bydgoszcz entitled ‘We Say No to Grandparenting!’ and a performance by children from the Janusz Korczak Primary School in Łubianka (Toruń County).
According to data from the Statistical Office in Bydgoszcz, there were 1,990,323 people living in the Kujawsko-Pomorskie Region at the end of June last year. Nearly 409 thousand of the region’s inhabitants (243 thousand women and 166 thousand men) were aged 65 or over, accounting for 20.6% of the region’s population. The number of people aged 85 and over was more than 41,000, of which nearly 30,000 were women and 11,000 men.
Data for 2023 shows that there were 419 people over 100 years of age in the Kujawsko-Pomorskie Region, including 319 women and 100 men. Of these, 259 lived in cities and 160 in villages. The Marshall of the Region has been honouring centenarians in the region since 2018, and to date more than four hundred and forty centenarians have received the Unitas Durat Palatinatus Cuiaviano-Pomeraniensis medal.
– The needs of senior citizens are different, just as senior citizens themselves are different. Our proposals for this age group – existing ones and those we are preparing – take this into account. We are striving to create a multi-level coherent support system that covers all seniors, tailored to their individual needs,’ noted Marshal Całbecki.
The regional self-government of the Kujawsko-Pomorskie Region is pursuing a carefully planned senior citizens’ policy, responding to the needs and expectations of older people.
Marshal’s care programme – life bracelets
The most spectacular, high-interest element of the Marshal’s care programme is home telecare, based on so-called life bracelets, which are mobile paging devices worn on the wrist.
Kujawsko Pomorskie Telecentre in 2024:
- 5 404 calls sent from life bracelets, of which 2 843 were alarms triggered by the user pressing the SOS button on the wristband
- 2,561 fall alarms,
- 296 interventions with project participants,
- 88 emergency service calls.
Prevention programmes
For years, the Kujawsko-Pomorskie Region has been implementing a number of prevention programmes aimed at seniors:
Kujawsko-Pomorskie Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Screening Programme:
- aimed at men aged 65-74 years who smoke cigarettes
- 771 screenings were performed (2023), detecting 37 abdominal aortic aneurysms
- 7,743 people have been screened since the start of the programme in 2012, detecting 471 abnormalities;
Pneumococcal infection prevention programme among adults:
- 1,582 seniors have benefited (in 2023)
- a total of 11,059 people were vaccinated (since 2016);
Falls prevention programme:
- aimed at improving physical fitness and health education
- 4,295 seniors were covered between 2018 and 2023.
Day care homes
There are also places in the region where senior citizens can spend their time actively and creatively, develop their passions and build relationships. In day care centres, seniors not only find kindred spirits, but can also receive the necessary assistance in their daily lives. As part of the implementation of Marshal’s senior citizens’ policy, places are being created where seniors can, among other things, participate in physical activities, therapy, art and music classes. They provide access to books, media, organise events, trips and social gatherings. Thanks to the funds of the Regional Operational Programme of the Kujawsko-Pomorskie Region in the EU perspective 2014-2020, more than 90 such projects with a total value of nearly PLN 230 million have been implemented.
Beata Krzemińska
Spokesperson of the Marshal’s Office
23 January 2025
- Spotkanie z okazji Dnia Babci i Dnia Dziadka, fot. Mikołaj Kuras dla UMWKP
- Spotkanie z okazji Dnia Babci i Dnia Dziadka, fot. Mikołaj Kuras dla UMWKP
- Spotkanie z okazji Dnia Babci i Dnia Dziadka, fot. Mikołaj Kuras dla UMWKP
- Spotkanie z okazji Dnia Babci i Dnia Dziadka, fot. Mikołaj Kuras dla UMWKP
- Spotkanie z okazji Dnia Babci i Dnia Dziadka, fot. Mikołaj Kuras dla UMWKP
- Spotkanie z okazji Dnia Babci i Dnia Dziadka, fot. Mikołaj Kuras dla UMWKP
- Spotkanie z okazji Dnia Babci i Dnia Dziadka, fot. Mikołaj Kuras dla UMWKP
- Spotkanie z okazji Dnia Babci i Dnia Dziadka, fot. Mikołaj Kuras dla UMWKP
- Spotkanie z okazji Dnia Babci i Dnia Dziadka, fot. Mikołaj Kuras dla UMWKP
- Spotkanie z okazji Dnia Babci i Dnia Dziadka, fot. Mikołaj Kuras dla UMWKP
- Spotkanie z okazji Dnia Babci i Dnia Dziadka, fot. Mikołaj Kuras dla UMWKP
- Spotkanie z okazji Dnia Babci i Dnia Dziadka, fot. Mikołaj Kuras dla UMWKP
- Spotkanie z okazji Dnia Babci i Dnia Dziadka, fot. Mikołaj Kuras dla UMWKP
- Spotkanie z okazji Dnia Babci i Dnia Dziadka, fot. Mikołaj Kuras dla UMWKP
- Spotkanie z okazji Dnia Babci i Dnia Dziadka, fot. Mikołaj Kuras dla UMWKP