From Brzoza to Labiszyn by modernized road
The runtly modernized regional road No. 254 between Brzoza and Labiszyn is another investment that provides safe and convenient access to the emerging expressway network. The ceremonial opening of the 13-kilometer route took place today (December 2), with the participation of regional board member Dariusz Kurzawa, vice-chairman of the regional parliament Przemyslaw Sznajdrowski, and regional councilors Tadeusz Pogoda and Radoslaw Kempinski.
– We are continuing our program to modernize the network of regional routes, which involves further investments along this important road connecting the counties of Bydgoszcz, Znin and Mogilno. We will soon complete the reconstruction of the Labiszyn-Barcin section, the Mogilno bypass is under construction, and a new traffic circle will be built in Barcin, among other things,” adds Marshal Piotr Całbecki.
Safe and green solutions
The completed modernization of the Brzoza-Labiszyn section included reconstruction and reinforcement of the roadway structure, construction of new traffic circles in Labiszyn and Brzoza, and installation of barriers in dangerous areas. Damaged elements of bridges in Antoniewo and Obórznia were also repaired. We are preparing for the construction of new bridges, which will be equipped with pedestrian and bicycle paths (the contract for the project was signed in October). We have eliminated two dangerous curves in Kobylarnia by running the route partly on a new track. Sidewalks were built in Łabiszyn and Łabiszyn Wieś, and in cooperation with the municipality of Nowa Wieś Wielka, a bicycle path was also built from Brzoza to Nowe Smolno. On the section from Brzoza to Labiszyn, we planted more than 300 trees. Maples, birches and lindens decorate mainly the green belts behind the road ditches, sidewalks and the bicycle path. In many places we additionally planted shrubs, which, in the form of hedges, perform the function of isolating greenery.
Transpol from Łojewo (Inowrocław district) was responsible for the investment. The investment, worth PLN 61 million, was carried out using EU funds from the pool of the Kujawsko-Pomorskie voivodship’s Regional Operational Program 2014-2020 and the European Funds for Kujawy and Pomerania for 2021-27.
Work on the Łabiszyn-Barcin route is coming to a close
Work on this 9-kilometer section of regional road No. 254 is at the stage of acceptance. As part of the task, we have reinforced the roadway (to carry a load of 11.5 tons per axle), which will prevent the formation of ruts and cracks on the route, which is traveled by many trucks. In the villages of Kania and Augustowo, islands were created to improve safety by forcing reduced speeds. Pedestrian crossings were illuminated, and we also added bus bays. A so-called quiet pavement has been laid along the entire route, which reduces noise by several decibels. The road has received new horizontal and vertical markings in recent weeks. The investment, worth more than PLN 45 million, is scheduled for completion by the end of the year. It is co-financed by EU funds under the Kujawsko-Pomorskie Voivodeship’s Regional Operational Program 2014-2020 and the European Funds for Kujawsko-Pomorskie and Pomerania 2021-27.
Bypass in Mogilno, traffic circle in Barcin
Construction of the second stage of the Mogilno bypass is also underway. This will allow to completely move transit traffic out of the city. A contract worth nearly PLN 62 million was signed in May.
As part of a program to improve safety on regional road No. 254, a traffic circle will be built in Barcin (Pakoska-Mogileńska-4 Stycznia-Polna Street) . Work on the project has already been completed, and an application has been submitted for a permit for road investment.
The entire modernized road No. 254 will become another connection to the expressway network for residents of Kuyavia. In Brzoza (where the regional road begins), as part of the construction of the S10 route, there are also plans to expand a section of national road No. 25 and build a road junction. This will solve the problem of a congested intersection. Work on the new road system is also being carried out by the Polish Railway Lines, which plans, among other things, to build a viaduct over the Bydgoszcz-Inowrocław railroad line.
Record spending on roads
The regional road modernization program will receive PLN 2 billion for the coming years. As part of the European Funds for Kuyavia and Pomerania 2021-2027, our regional program for the new perspective, we are allocating 136 million euros for road investments, including, among others, our regional bypass construction program. We will also use acquired central funding (about PLN 170 million for bypasses and about PLN 450 million for the expansion of other roads) for some tasks related to the expansion of road infrastructure.
The most important road investments currently underway on regional roads include:
- modernization of regional road No. 268 from Brzezie to Brześć Kujawski in Włocławek County
- modernization of regional road No. 254 from Labiszyn to Barcin in Znin county
- modernization of regional road No. 563 Rypin to the regional border in Rypin county
- construction of the Mogilno bypass in the course of regional road No. 254 in Mogilno county
- reconstruction of regional road No. 251 from Mlodocin to Pturk in Znin district.
Regional Road Administration
and the Press Office of the Marshal’s Office
November 29, 2024.
- Otwarcie DW 254 Brzoza-Łabiszyn, fot. Szymon Zdziebło/tarantoga.pl dla UMWKP
- Otwarcie DW 254 Brzoza-Łabiszyn, fot. Szymon Zdziebło/tarantoga.pl dla UMWKP
- Otwarcie DW 254 Brzoza-Łabiszyn, fot. Szymon Zdziebło/tarantoga.pl dla UMWKP
- Otwarcie DW 254 Brzoza-Łabiszyn, fot. Szymon Zdziebło/tarantoga.pl dla UMWKP
- Otwarcie DW 254 Brzoza-Łabiszyn, fot. Szymon Zdziebło/tarantoga.pl dla UMWKP
- Otwarcie DW 254 Brzoza-Łabiszyn, fot. Szymon Zdziebło/tarantoga.pl dla UMWKP
- Otwarcie DW 254 Brzoza-Łabiszyn, fot. Szymon Zdziebło/tarantoga.pl dla UMWKP
- Otwarcie DW 254 Brzoza-Łabiszyn, fot. Szymon Zdziebło/tarantoga.pl dla UMWKP
- Otwarcie DW 254 Brzoza-Łabiszyn, fot. Szymon Zdziebło/tarantoga.pl dla UMWKP
- Otwarcie DW 254 Brzoza-Łabiszyn, fot. Szymon Zdziebło/tarantoga.pl dla UMWKP
- Otwarcie DW 254 Brzoza-Łabiszyn, fot. Szymon Zdziebło/tarantoga.pl dla UMWKP
- Otwarcie DW 254 Brzoza-Łabiszyn, fot. Szymon Zdziebło/tarantoga.pl dla UMWKP
- Otwarcie DW 254 Brzoza-Łabiszyn, fot. Szymon Zdziebło/tarantoga.pl dla UMWKP
- Otwarcie DW 254 Brzoza-Łabiszyn, fot. Szymon Zdziebło/tarantoga.pl dla UMWKP
- Otwarcie DW 254 Brzoza-Łabiszyn, fot. Szymon Zdziebło/tarantoga.pl dla UMWKP