Farewell to Fr. Wacław Dokurno
Fr. Dr. Wacław Dokurno has passed away—a long-time parish priest of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross Parish in Przeczno, a man of great faith and prayer, a social activist, a member of the Oasis Movement, and a promoter of the teachings of Fr. Franciszek Blachnicki. He was awarded the Marshal’s Medal Unitas Durat Cuiaviano-Pomeraniensis. He passed away after a severe illness at the age of 71.
“For many years, Fr. Dokurno was the parish priest of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross Parish in Przeczno, a place so dear to me. It is the church of my childhood, where ‘everything began.’ (…) Fr. Wacław, thank you for your beautiful witness of life and your dedicated service to God, people, and our homeland,” wrote Marshal Piotr Całbecki on social media.
Fr. Dr. Wacław Dokurno was involved with the Light-Life Movement from its inception—first in the Diocese of Chełmno, later in the Dioceses of Toruń and Pelplin. He was a devoted animator of youth retreats, a filial moderator of the Crusade for the Liberation of Man, a promoter of the veneration of St. Rosalia, and a pastor of the sobriety movement, families, and farmers. For over 40 years, he organized Oasis of New Life third-degree retreats, initially in Toruń and later at Bierzgłowski Castle.
He was deeply committed to the Crusade for the Liberation of Man, co-organizing Diocesan Congresses “Towards the Sobriety of the Nation”, authoring numerous publications, and hosting a radio program dedicated to the crusade.
Actively engaged in parish and local community work, he was always warm, kind, and understanding, offering wise counsel. He cared for local cultural heritage—thanks to his efforts, the Exaltation of the Holy Cross Church in Przeczno underwent a comprehensive restoration. He also took great care of the site of St. Rosalia’s worship and initiated annual organ concerts in Przeczno.
Fr. Dokurno was a great mountain enthusiast and an excellent skier. He shared his passion with both young and old, organizing numerous trips for youth and adults.
His life was a testimony of devotion to God, people, and the homeland. He will be remembered as a priest full of love and dedication—humble and modest, strong in spirit, and inspiring others to act for the good of others and the glory of God.
In 2017, he was awarded the Marshal’s Medal Unitas Durat Cuiaviano-Pomeraniensis.
Press Office of the Marshal’s Office
February 10, 2025
- Pogrzeb ks. Wacława Dokurno, fot. Andrzej Goiński/UMWKP
- Pogrzeb ks. Wacława Dokurno, fot. Andrzej Goiński/UMWKP
- Pogrzeb ks. Wacława Dokurno, fot. Andrzej Goiński/UMWKP
- Pogrzeb ks. Wacława Dokurno, fot. Andrzej Goiński/UMWKP
- Pogrzeb ks. Wacława Dokurno, fot. Andrzej Goiński/UMWKP
- Pogrzeb ks. Wacława Dokurno, fot. Andrzej Goiński/UMWKP