
New horizons' conference, organised by Regional Centre for Social Policy, photo by Andrzej Goiński/UMWKP
Konferencja „Nowe horyzonty”, organizowana przez ROPS, fot. Andrzej Goiński/UMWKP

A good start for foster carers – conference

A ‘New Horizons’ conference is being held today (25 March) in Toruń, during which innovative methods and tools for working with foster care leavers are presented. Panel discussions will be attended by, among others, employees of foster care centres and family assistance centres. The event is organised by the Regional Centre for Social Policy in Toruń.


In 2023, 4,844 children stayed in foster care in our region, including 3,557 children in family care and 1,287 children in institutional care. An individual programme of emancipation covered 1,000 outgrowths.


Regional Centre for Social Policy in Toruń

25 March 2025