Congratulations to Prof. Buszewski
Prominent analytical chemist and chairman of the Marshal of the Prof. Jan Czochralski Kujawsko-Pomorskie Science and Technology Center, Prof. Boguslaw Buszewski, has been awarded the prestigious Martin Medal by the British Chromatographic Society. Congratulations!
Chromatography is a group of analytical techniques for separating or studying the composition of mixtures of chemical compounds. Established in 1956, the British ChromSoc is a scientific organization dedicated to promoting and disseminating knowledge of “all aspects of chromatography and related separation techniques.” The award’s patron is Archer Martin, an English chemist and Cambridge University graduate who won the 1952 Nobel Prize in Chemistry (along with Richard Syng) for his groundbreaking work on separative chromatography.
“Prof. Buszewski received (…) [the Martin Medal] for his significant contributions to (…) a better understanding of the kinetics of metal absorption, the analysis of volatile organic compounds and environmental analysis techniques.” – reads the website of Nicolaus Copernicus University, which is the laureate’s alma mater. Prof. Buszewski is an outstanding specialist in analytical chemistry and environmental chemistry, the founder of the Polish school of chromatography.
Beata Krzeminska
Spokesperson for the Marshal’s Office
December 12, 2024.