Nawra to be restored in two years
Conservation repairs and revitalization and restoration activities are taking off at the palace and park complex in Nawra near Toruń, which will house the future museum of landed gentry and villages. In the presence of Marshal Piotr Całbecki, an agreement with the general contractor was signed on Monday (December 9).
– Nawra is a real treasure of material culture, but also of what we call intangible heritage. What happened in it, I mean the history of the Sczaniecki family, is important for the history of Polish Pomerania. Without patriotic Polish landowners, perhaps we would not be speaking Polish today. In the case of the Sczanieckis, it was patriotism with a positivist touch, Nawra was a center of modern agriculture and modern farming, said Marshal Piotr Całbecki during the document signing ceremony.
The classicist palace in Navra, our local gem of classicist architecture, was built in 1798-1805 for Konstanty Kruszyński, and later rebuilt for the Sczaniecki family. It was devastated during World War II. The mission of restoring the park and palace, which were officially handed over to the regional government by the Sczaniecki family in the summer of 2022, was entrusted by Marshal Piotr Całbecki to the Kujawsko-Pomorskie Voivodeship Heritage Center, which is a Marshal’s institution established, among other things, to carry out this project.
Dolmar Construction Company has been selected as the general contractor for the investment. The signatures on the relevant agreement were affixed today by Heritage Center director Marek Rubnikowicz and company president Grzegorz Jasiński. Dolmar, whose contract amounts to 39 million zlotys, has 24 months to implement the project.
The official name of the future cultural and educational institution is the Sczaniecki Family Museum of Landed Property.
Beata Krzeminska
Spokesperson for the Marshal’s Office
December 9, 2024.
Last updated: December 10, 2024.
- Umowa z generalnym wykonawcą inwestycji w zespole pałacowo-parkowym w Nawrze, fot. Szymon Zdziebło/tarantoga.pl
- Umowa z generalnym wykonawcą inwestycji w zespole pałacowo-parkowym w Nawrze, fot. Szymon Zdziebło/tarantoga.pl
- Umowa z generalnym wykonawcą inwestycji w zespole pałacowo-parkowym w Nawrze, fot. Szymon Zdziebło/tarantoga.pl